The Secret Weapon To Lose Belly Fat Fast

lose belly fat

lose belly fat

With obesity rates being at an all-time high, it’s safe to say that millions of Americans are wondering how they can lose belly fat. You may be surprised to know that the quickest way to lose fat does not involve walking or running on a treadmill for over an hour at a time. In fact, you can do a really good fat burning workout in about 20 minutes.

While cardiovascular exercise is really good exercise for your heart and lungs it is simply not the best way to burn fat and it’s not very effective. There are other ways to blast belly fat and one of the top recommended exercises is interval training.

If you haven’t heard of interval training before or you aren’t familiar with it, it basically involves short bursts of intense exercise. Interval training can be done with cardio exercise, strength training exercises and/or a combination of both.

Cardiovascular Interval Training to Lose Stomach Fat

Even if you hate cardiovascular exercise, you may not mind it so much if your workout is between 10 and 20 minutes. After you begin to see results you might even start to enjoy cardio exercise. The quickest way to lose fat involves periods of intense activity, such as sprinting, skipping rope or riding a stationary bike, followed by the same exercise at a much slower pace. For example, sprinting for 30 seconds and walking for 60 seconds would be a great interval training workout to try. Simply repeat those intervals for at least 10 minutes.

Losing Belly Fat with Strength Training Intervals

Did you know that you can actually burn fat with strength training exercises? To make your strength training workout more intense, reduce the amount of rest time in between sets. This will have two benefits: your workout time will be reduced and you’ll keep your heart rate up which will help you burn even more fat during your workout.

A Mixture of Strength Training Cardiovascular Moves

If you really like to mix things up you might find this workout to be your best option. One way to keep up the intensity of a strength training workout is by having active resting periods. In between sets when you would normally cease activity, simply perform mountain climbers or jog on a treadmill at an easy pace for about 2 minutes.

By now you should know that the quickest way to lose fat should not involve doing hundreds of abdominal exercises, such as crunches, each day. Crunches only strengthen your abdominal muscles; they don’t do much at all to burn any stomach fat. If you are serious about losing fat and you’re willing to perform short, intense workouts you’ll begin seeing results in a matter of days.
For more information about how to lose belly fat and get six pack abs, visit now.

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